Here at Pickering Community Baptist Church, it’s our mission to help you explore your relationship with God and welcome you into our community. 
We are an internationally diverse group of Christians with backgrounds that stretch out over the whole Earth.  We hail from Dubai, Brunei, Hong Kong, China, Canada, The United States, and more.  We recognize that everyone is a sojourner in this life and we are a house of worship for all travelers whether globally or spiritually.
It is the dream of our church to become more like Jesus.  To love God and to love others. 
To do good in this world and to be a light in the darkness. To branch out of the Chinese church plant
that we once were to become a church for all our community.  
We are passionate about experiencing God.  We are passionate about seeing people transformed, seeing marriages saved, and people set free from their addictions and burdens.  We are passionate about seeing prayers answered.  We are passionate about mentoring, education and training our members, youth and children about truth, God’s love and the life Jesus intended for us.  
Rev. CK Suen joined our community after nearly 6 years in Dubai. Today, he leads our Cantonese / Mandarin congregation in faithful living and community service. 
Rev. David Chan is the Gratis Advisor for the Cantonese / Mandarin congregation.  He has been with the church since 2006. 
Pastor Blake Bentley is currently leading our English congregation to grow and find its identity as the body of Christ  and the community.


The Lord Jesus Christ
That Jesus Christ, the only begotten eternal Son of God, is given to mankind as the only salvation.  He was conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of the virgin Mary. In Him perfect humanity and deity is found in one person.  He is the mediator between God and man.  (Luke 1:26-35; John 1:1-14; Isaiah 7:14; 9:6).

Christ’s Death & Resurrection
That Jesus was crucified on the cross for the sins of all mankind and His blood was shed to fulfill the requirements of God’s righteousness.  He rose again bodily from the dead, and personally appeared to His disciples (Matthew 27:33-66;  Romans 6:6-7).

Christ’s Ascension, Return and Judgement 
That Jesus rose again bodily from the dead, and ascended to Heaven.  In the last day, Christ will return personally to earth as He had promised, to judge the living and the dead.  There will be a bodily resurrection of the dead, with the believers inheriting eternal life and blessedness, and the non-believers eternal punishment and condemnation. (John 20:1-18, Acts 1:9-11, Matthew 25:31-46).

Salvation by Grace Through Faith
That humankind was created in the image of God.  Since the first man Adam sinned against God, all humankind have come short of the glory of God, have lived in sin, and cannot, by their own effort, attain righteousness in the presence of God.  Salvation of humankind depends solely on the finished work of Christ who once and for all, poured out His blood on the cross as a vicarious atonement for the sins of humankind.  Those who confess and repent of their sins and receive Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour shall be saved.(Romans 6:23, 8:1, 10:9-13).


That the Bible, consisting of the Old and New Testaments, is the inspired and inerrant Word of God and is the final    authority for Christian faith and life. It is uniquely authoritative and free from error of any sort and intended to be accessible, read and embraced by all peoples regardless of status, language, culture or place in time (2 Timothy 3:14-17; Romans 15:4).

That there is but one true and living Godhead who exists in the past, the present, and forever throughout eternity who has revealed Himself as ONE God existing in THREE persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit; distinguishable but indivisible (1 Timothy 1:17; 2 Corinthians 13:14).

Biblical History
That the Bible is reliable and trustworthy in its historicity and record of Biblical events. We affirm the Biblical record that God started creation, that there was a literal Adam and Eve that all of mankind can look to for the origin of their own sinful natures, the fall of the human race from God, the cursing of creation, a worldwide flood and the origins of nations and languages at Babel (Genesis 1-11).

That God is the creator, sustainer and governor of all creation. We believe God is the great designer of all that we see including ourselves and even our ability to reason.  We believe that in our free will sinned against God and were separated from him.  We are unable to attain the righteousness that God desires on our own (Colossians 1:17; Romans 3:10-18).

Holy Spirit
That the Holy Spirit convicts men and women of their sins, leads them into salvation in Christ, and as their Counselor.  He continues to transform their lives by comforting, helping, teaching, enlightening, and equipping them with gifts (Romans 8:14-16, 1 Corinthians 2:1-5)

Water Baptism
That baptism by immersion in faith is a necessary step of obedience for every Christian to fulfill the command of Christ (Matthew 28;19; Acts 2:37-39; Romans 6:1-7).

That communion, or the Lord’s Supper, or as it is sometimes called, the Eucharist is meant to be practiced by believers (1 Corinthians 11:28-32).

The Church 
That the universal church comprises of all believers set apart from the world to belong to Christ.  With Christ as her Head, the universal church shall follow Christ’s teaching and commandments.  Local churches are autonomous and independent organizations of believers who are endowed with the gifts of God’s grace to build up fellow-believers, to preach the Gospel and to become the salt and light of the world (John 14:-16; Acts 14:23).

Eternal Life
That all people continue after this life, some to eternal life and some to eternal punishment.  Believers, those who have put their faith and trust in Jesus, will receive eternal life(John 5:24; 3:16, Matthew 25:31-46; Revelation 20:11-15).